Vår personal
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Vi på MSC Cruises har som mål att erbjuda dig varm och välkomnande service. Våra personalutbildningar garanterar att du blir omhändertagen med både respekt och diskretion. Vi kommer att göra vårt yttersta för att alltid finnas till hands, oavsett om det handlar om att servera drycker, laga måltider eller svara på frågor. Du blir behandlad på ett spontant och naturligt sätt så att du känner dig väl omhändertagen, kan slappna av och njuta av varje sekund av din semester.
Komfort är det viktigaste
- Stor andel personal i förhållande till antal gäster garanterar effektiv service av hög kvalitet ombord
- Vår flerspråkiga personal ger dig information på de språk som är vanligast förekommande bland våra gäster
- Vi anser att problem är till för att lösas, så du får uppmärksamhet och snabba lösningar för alla dina behov

19 years service with MSC, 1 year experience as Master
On board MSC Poesia*
*Information subject to change
(Updated 2017)

Captain Battinelli joined MSC after twenty years of experience with Carnival Cruise Lines. Despite his prestigious career, Stefano underwent a month of training before becoming the MSC Orchestra Master in December 2017. Master Battinelli has a wide experience in New Building and has been in charge of various classes of ships including those with adjustable propulsion.
On board MSC Orchestra*
*Information subject to change
(Updated 2018)

After obtaining his Nautical diploma in 1988, Captain Benini commenced his maritime career by serving in the Italian Navy. In 1990, he transitioned to the cruise sector, joining his first cruise ship as a Deck Officer.
He rose through the ranks and assumed his first command in 2006. From 2015 to 2017 he held the role of Fleet Captain of a major cruise company. In February 2024, he brought his wealth of experience to MSC Cruises, assuming the position of Master.

*Information subject to change
(Updated 2019)

35 years service with MSC Cruises, 11 years experience as Master
On board MSC Magnifica*
*Information subject to change
(Updated 2016)

Captain Alessandro Galotto graduated from the Nautical Academy in 1977. After graduating he undertook his first role on board a cruise ship by serving as a Deck Cadet.
From here he climbed the ranks earning a wealth of experience in many roles. He achieved his first command in 1996. He joined MSC Cruises in January 2024.

27 years service with MSC Cruises, 4 years experience as Master
On board MSC Musica*
*Information subject to change
(Updated 2016)

23 years service with MSC Cruises, 5 years experience as Master
On board MSC Orchestra*
*Information subject to change
(Updated 2016)

On board MSC Sinfonia*
*Information subject to change
(Updated 2018)

Master Maresca has commanded ships belonging to the Lirica class and Musica class.
On board MSC Splendida*
*Information subject to change
(Updated 2016)

22 years service with MSC, 11 years experience as Master
On board MSC Lirica*
*Information subject to change
(Updated 2017)

13 years service with MSC Cruises, 8 years experience as Master
On board MSC Lirica*
*Information subject to change
(Updated 2016)

On board MSC Fantasia*
*Information subject to change
(Updated 2016)

22 years service with MSC Cruises, 11 years experience as Master
On board MSC Lirica*
*Information subject to change
(Updated 2017)

On board MSC Poesia*
*Information subject to change
(Updated 2017)

From 2003 to 2005 he followed the construction projects for MSC Lirica and MSC Opera in the Saint Nazaire shipyard as security manager, from 2007 to 2008 for MSC Poesia and MSC Fantasia.
In 2009 he was promoted to Commander in Second, 26 years of service with MSC, on board the MSC Sinfonia.
(Updated 2018)

22 years service with MSC Cruises, 4 years experience as Master
On board MSC Armonia*
*Information subject to change
(Updated 2016)

17 years service with MSC Cruises, 7 years experience as Master
On board MSC Magnifica*
*Information subject to change
(Updated 2017)