
Among Roses and Ruins
Whether climbing the ramparts of the surrounding walls, or meandering up and down the warren of cobbled, sloping streets, there’s plenty to tease the eye. An MSC shore excursion can be the opportunity to visit its old town. Here, pretty Packhusplan, the oldest square in the city, is bisected by curving Strandgatan, which runs southwards to the fragmentary ruins of Visborgs Slott, overlooking the harbour. Built in the fifteenth century by Erik of Pomerania, the castle was blown up by the Danes in the seventeenth century. In the opposite direction, Strandgatan runs north-west towards the sea and the Jungfrutornet (Maiden’s Tower), where a local goldsmith’s daughter was walled up alive – reputedly for betraying the city to the Danes. Strolling around the twisting streets and atmospheric walls is not something that palls quickly, but if you need a focus, aim for Norra Murgatan, above the cathedral, once one of Visby’s poorest areas.
I denna hamn kan fartyget ankra till havs, vilket innebär att gästerna åker i land med en tenderbåt (ett mindre fartyg) för att nå hamnen. Observera att tenderbåten kanske inte är anpassad för personer med funktionsvariation, nedsatt rörlighet eller balansproblem. Att säkerställa våra gästers säkerhet är vår högsta prioritet, det är viktigt att gästerna säkert kan färdas i tenderbåten. För ytterligare information, se våra Allmänna villkor (avsnitt 7).
Cruises from / to Visby in 2025
Excursions & Activities Visby
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- Tid:3.5 h
- Code:VIS03
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- Code:VIS04
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- Code:VIS05
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- Kategori:AKTIV & ÄVENTYR
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- Code:VIS06
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- Code:VIS07
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- Tid:3.5 h
- Code:VISAG
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